
This guide will help you get started with the BlueTally API! All the important stuff is documented here, but should you have any questions, always feel free to reach out to


You will need to create an API key that is associated with your account in order to use the API.

Start by clicking the profile icon in the top right corner and click on "Settings".

Then click on "API Keys" in the left navigation bar.

Now click on "Create API Key". This is the key you'll use as a Bearer token when interacting with the API, so please keep this key safe.

Connecting to the API

Now that you have your API key, you can connect to the API using any client, such as Postman.
The base link of the API is:

Make sure you use your API key as a Bearer type token for authenticating with the API.

There is a rate limit of 10,000 API requests per hour and 1,000 results per request.

Multi-tenant users need to add the tenant_id parameter to all requests, please refer to the Tenants section of the API guide.

Returns all accessories

GET '/accessories' - Returns all accessories.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, model_number, order_number, purchase_date, purchase_cost, minimum_quantity, quantity, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • model_number
    (String) Exact search for model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Exact search for order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Exact search for purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Exact search for purchase price.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Exact search for minimum quantity.
  • quantity
    (Integer) Exact search for quantity.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Exact search for category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Exact search for manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Exact search for supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Exact search for location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Exact search for department id.
  • qr_code
    (Boolean) Exact search for qr code.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
  • employee_email
    (String) Exact search for all accessories checked out to an employee via email.
Returns a specific accessory

GET '/accessories/:id' - Returns a specific accessory.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the accessory.
Create an accessory

POST '/accessories' - Create an accessory.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • model_number
    (String) Model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase price.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency (or the location currency, if applicable). Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Minimum quantity.
  • quantity
    (Integer, required) Quantity.
  • category_id
    (Integer, required) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • qr_code
    (Boolean) QR code.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Update an accessory

PUT '/accessories/:id' - Update an accessory.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the accessory.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • model_number
    (String) Model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase price.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency (or the location currency, if applicable). Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Minimum quantity.
  • quantity
    (Integer) Quantity.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • qr_code
    (Boolean) QR code.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Delete an accessory

DELETE '/accessories/:id' - Delete an accessory.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the accessory.
Returns all activity log entries

GET '/activity' - Returns all activity log entries.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: created_at
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is desc. Options: asc, desc
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • date_from
    (String) Start date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • date_to
    (String) End date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • type
    (String) The data type of the log entry. Options: Asset, Accessory, Component, Consumable, License, Maintenance, Audit
  • event
    (String) The event type of the log entry. Options: Create, Update, Delete, Checkin, Checkout, Complete, Schedule, Recover
  • user_id
    (Integer) Exact search for user id for the user who performed the action.
  • employee_id
    (Integer) Exact search for employee id for the employee that had something checked in/out to them.
  • user_email
    (String) Exact search for user email for the user who performed the action.
  • employee_email
    (String) Exact search for employee email for the employee that had something checked in/out to them.
  • asset_id
    (Integer) Exact search for asset system id.
  • accessory_id
    (Integer) Exact search for accessory id.
  • component_id
    (Integer) Exact search for component id.
  • consumable_id
    (Integer) Exact search for consumable id.
  • license_id
    (Integer) Exact search for license id.
Returns all assets

GET '/assets' - Returns all assets.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is asset_id. Options: { created_at, updated_at, asset_id, asset_name, asset_serial, warranty_expiration_date, order_number, purchase_date, purchase_cost, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • asset_id
    (String) Exact search for asset id.
  • asset_name
    (String) Exact search for asset name
  • asset_serial
    (String) Exact search for asset serial.
  • warranty_expiration_date
    (String) Exact search for warranty expiration date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • end_of_life_date
    (String) Exact search for end of life date. Only applies to assets using products that have their End of Life type set to 'Individual by Asset'. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • order_number
    (String) Exact search for order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Exact search for purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Exact search for purchase cost.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Exact search for category id.
  • product_id
    (Integer) Exact search for product id.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Exact search for assets using products belonging to this category.
  • status_id
    (Integer) Exact search for status id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Exact search for supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Exact search for location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Exact search for department id.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
  • employee_email
    (String) Exact search for all assets checked out to an employee via email.
Returns a specific asset

GET '/assets/:id' - Returns a specific asset.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the asset.
Create an asset

POST '/assets' - Create an asset.


  • asset_id
    (String, required) Asset id.
  • asset_name
    (String) Asset name
  • asset_serial
    (String) Asset serial.
  • warranty_expiration_date
    (String) Warranty expiration date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • end_of_life_date
    (String) End of life date. Only applies to assets using products that have their End of Life type set to 'Individual by Asset'. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase cost.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency (or the location currency, if applicable). Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • product_id
    (Integer, required) Product id.
  • status_id
    (Integer, required) Status id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Update an asset

PUT '/assets/:id' - Update an asset.


  • id
    (Integer) The unique ID of the asset.
  • asset_id
    (String) Asset id.
  • asset_name
    (String) Asset name.
  • asset_serial
    (String) Asset serial.
  • warranty_expiration_date
    (String) Warranty expiration date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • end_of_life_date
    (String) End of life date. Only applies to assets using products that have their End of Life type set to 'Individual by Asset'. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase cost.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency (or the location currency, if applicable). Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • product_id
    (Integer) Product id.
  • status_id
    (Integer) Status id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Delete an asset

DELETE '/assets/:id' - Delete an asset.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the asset.
Returns all audits

GET '/audits' - Returns all audits.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is audit_date. Options: { created_at, updated_at, audit_date, next_audit_date, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • audit_date
    (String) Exact search for audit date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • next_audit_date
    (String) Exact search for next audit date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • scheduled
    (Boolean) Exact search for scheduled audits.
  • completed
    (Boolean) Exact search for completed audits.
  • asset_id
    (String) Exact search for asset id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Exact search for location id.
  • user_id
    (Integer) Exact search for user id.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
Returns a specific audit

GET '/audits/:id' - Returns a specific audit.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the audit.
Create an audit.

POST '/audits' - Create an audit.


  • audit_date
    (String, required) Audit date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • next_audit_date
    (String) Audit date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • scheduled
    (Boolean, required) If audit is scheduled.
  • completed
    (Boolean, required) If audit is completed.
  • asset_id
    (String, required) The id of the asset that was audited.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • user_id
    (Integer, required) The id of the user who performed the audit.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Update an audit

PUT '/audits/:id' - Update an audit.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the audit.
  • audit_date
    (String) Audit date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • next_audit_date
    (String) Audit date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • scheduled
    (Boolean) If audit is scheduled.
  • completed
    (Boolean) If audit is completed.
  • asset_id
    (String) The id of the asset that was audited.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • user_id
    (Integer) The id of the user who performed the audit.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Delete an audit

DELETE '/audits/:id' - Delete an audit.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the audit.
Returns all categories

GET '/categories' - Returns all categories.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, type }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • type
    (String) Exact search for type. Options: { accessory, asset, consumable, component, license }
  • checkout_email
    (Boolean) Exact search for if checkout emails are enabled.
Returns a specific category

GET '/categories/:id' - Returns a specific category.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the category.
Create a category

POST '/categories' - Create a category.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • type
    (String, required) Type. Options: { accessory, asset, consumable, component, license }
  • checkout_email
    (Boolean) Exact search for if checkout emails are enabled.
  • eula
    (String) End User License Agreement.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) The minimum amount of assets using products belonging to this category that should be in a deployable state before an alert is triggered. Only works for categories of the type Asset.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
Update a category

PUT '/categories/:id' - Update a category.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the category.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • type
    (String) Type. Options: { accessory, asset, consumable, component, license }
  • checkout_email
    (Boolean) Exact search for if checkout emails are enabled.
  • eula
    (String) End User License Agreement.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) The minimum amount of assets using products belonging to this category that should be in a deployable state before an alert is triggered. Only works for categories of the type Asset.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
Delete a category

DELETE '/categories/:id' - Delete a category.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the category.
Checkin an asset

POST '/checkin/asset' - Checkin an asset.


  • asset_id
    (Integer, required) Asset ID
  • checkin_date
    (String, required) Checkin date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • status_id
    (Integer, required) Status ID
  • condition
    (Integer) Condition
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • asset_location_id
    (Integer) ID of the location you'd like the asset to belong to.
  • asset_department_id
    (Integer) ID of the department you'd like the asset to belong to.
Checkin an accessory

POST '/checkin/accessory' - Checkin an accessory.


  • accessory_id
    (Integer, required) Accessory ID.
  • employee_id
    (Integer) ID of the employee you'd like to check the accessory in from.
  • location_id
    (Integer) ID of the location you'd like to check the accessory in from.
  • checkin_date
    (String, required) Checkin date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Checkin a component

POST '/checkin/component' - Checkin a component.


  • component_id
    (Integer, required) Component ID.
  • asset_id
    (Integer, required) ID of the asset you'd like to check the component in from.
  • checkin_date
    (String, required) Checkin date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Checkin a license

POST '/checkin/license' - Checkin a license.


  • license_id
    (Integer, required) License ID.
  • employee_id
    (Integer) ID of the employee you'd like to check the license in from.
  • asset_id
    (Integer) ID of the asset you'd like to check the license in from.
  • product_key
    (String) The Product Key you'd like to check in (Required for Product Key Licenses).
  • checkin_date
    (String, required) Checkin date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Checkout an asset

POST '/checkout/asset' - Checkout an asset.


  • asset_id
    (String, required) Asset ID.
  • employee_id
    (Integer) ID of the employee you'd like to check the asset out to.
  • location_id
    (Integer) ID of the location you'd like to check the asset out to.
  • checkout_date
    (String, required) Checkout date. Format: '2022-12-01'.
  • checkin_date
    (String) Expected checkin date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • condition
    (Integer) Condition.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • asset_location_id
    (Integer) ID of the location you'd like the asset to belong to.
  • asset_department_id
    (Integer) ID of the department you'd like the asset to belong to.
Checkout an accessory

POST '/checkout/accessory' - Checkout an accessory.


  • accessory_id
    (Integer, required) Accessory ID.
  • employee_id
    (Integer) ID of the employee you'd like to check the accessory out to.
  • location_id
    (Integer) ID of the location you'd like to check the accessory out to.
  • quantity
    (Integer, required) Quantity.
  • checkout_date
    (String, required) Checkout date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • checkin_date
    (String) Expected checkin date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Checkout a component

POST '/checkout/component' - Checkout a component.


  • component_id
    (Integer, required) Component ID.
  • asset_id
    (String, required) Asset ID.
  • quantity
    (Integer, required) Quantity.
  • checkout_date
    (String, required) Checkout date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Checkout a consumable

POST '/checkout/consumable' - Checkout a consumable.


  • consumable_id
    (Integer, required) Consumable ID.
  • employee_id
    (Integer) ID of the employee you'd like to check the consumable out to.
  • location_id
    (Integer) ID of the location you'd like to check the consumable out to.
  • quantity
    (Integer, required) Quantity.
  • checkout_date
    (String, required) Checkout date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Checkout a license

POST '/checkout/license' - Checkout a license.


  • license_id
    (Integer, required) License ID.
  • employee_id
    (Integer) ID of the employee you'd like to check the license out to.
  • asset_id
    (Integer) System ID of the asset you'd like to check the license out to.
  • quantity
    (Integer) Number of seats to check out (Required for Dynamic licenses).
  • product_key
    (String) The product key you'd like to check out (Required for Product Key licenses).
  • checkout_date
    (String, required) Checkout date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • checkin_date
    (String) Expected checkin date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Returns all components

GET '/components' - Returns all components.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, model_number, order_number, purchase_date, purchase_cost, minimum_quantity, quantity, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • model_number
    (String) Exact search for model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Exact search for order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Exact search for purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Exact search for purchase price.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Exact search for minimum quantity.
  • quantity
    (Integer) Exact search for quantity.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Exact search for category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Exact search for manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Exact search for supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Exact search for location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Exact search for department id.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
Returns a specific component

GET '/components/:id' - Returns a specific component.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the component.
Create a component

POST '/components' - Create a component.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • model_number
    (String) Model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase price.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency (or the location currency, if applicable). Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Minimum quantity.
  • quantity
    (Integer, required) Quantity.
  • category_id
    (Integer, required) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Update a component

PUT '/components/:id' - Update a component.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the component.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • model_number
    (String) Model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase price.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency (or the location currency, if applicable). Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Minimum quantity.
  • quantity
    (Integer) Quantity.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Delete a component

DELETE '/components/:id' - Delete a component.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the accessory.
Returns all consumables

GET '/consumables' - Returns all consumables.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, model_number, order_number, purchase_date, purchase_cost, minimum_quantity, available, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • model_number
    (String) Exact search for model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Exact search for order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Exact search for purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Exact search for purchase price.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Exact search for minimum quantity.
  • available
    (Integer) Exact search for available.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Exact search for category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Exact search for manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Exact search for supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Exact search for location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Exact search for department id.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
Returns a specific consumable

GET '/consumables/:id' - Returns a specific consumable.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the consumable.
Create a consumable

POST '/consumables' - Create a consumable.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • model_number
    (String) Model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase price.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency (or the location currency, if applicable). Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Minimum quantity.
  • quantity
    (Integer, required) Quantity.
  • category_id
    (Integer, required) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Update a consumable

PUT '/consumables/:id' - Update a consumable.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the consumable.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • model_number
    (String) Model number.
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase price.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency (or the location currency, if applicable). Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) Minimum quantity.
  • quantity
    (Integer) Quantity.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Delete a consumable

DELETE '/consumables/:id' - Delete a consumable.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the consumable.
Returns all departments

GET '/departments' - Returns all departments.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • email
    (String) Exact search for email.
  • phone
    (String) Exact search for phone.
Returns a specific department

GET '/departments/:id' - Returns a specific department.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the department.
Create a department

POST '/departments' - Create a department.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • email
    (String, required) Email.
  • phone
    (String, required) Phone.
Update a department

PUT '/departments/:id' - Update a department.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the department.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • email
    (String) Email.
  • phone
    (String) Phone.
Delete a department

DELETE '/departments/:id' - Delete a department.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the department.
Returns all depreciations

GET '/depreciations' - Returns all depreciations.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, months, minimum_value }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • months
    (Integer) Exact search for number of months.
  • name
    (Integer) Exact search for minimum value after depreciation.
Returns a specific depreciation

GET '/depreciations/:id' - Returns a specific depreciation.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the depreciation.
Create a depreciation

POST '/depreciations' - Create a depreciation


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • months
    (Integer, required) Number of months.
  • name
    (Integer) Minimum value after depreciation.
Update a depreciation

PUT '/depreciations/:id' - Update a depreciation.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the depreciation.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • months
    (Integer) Number of months.
  • name
    (Integer) Minimum value after depreciation.
Delete a depreciation

DELETE '/depreciations/:id' - Delete a depreciation.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the depreciation.
Returns all employees

GET '/employees' - Returns all employees.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, email, title, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • email
    (String) Exact search for email.
  • title
    (String) Exact search for title.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Exact search for location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Exact search for department id.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
Returns a specific employee

GET '/employees/:id' - Returns a specific employee.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the employee.
Create a employee

POST '/employees' - Create a employee.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • email
    (String, required) Email.
  • title
    (String) Title.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • archived
    (Boolean) If the employee should be archived. Options: true, false
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Update an employee

PUT '/employees/:id' - Update an employee.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the employee.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • email
    (String) Email.
  • title
    (String) Title.
  • location_id
    (Integer) Location id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • archived
    (Boolean) If the employee should be archived. Options: true, false
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Delete an employee

DELETE '/employees/:id' - Delete an employee.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the employee.
Returns all licenses

GET '/licenses' - Returns all licenses.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, licensed_to_name, licensed_to_email, order_number, purchase_date, purchase_cost, expiration_date, termination_date, minimum_seats, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • licensed_to_name
    (String) Exact search for licensed to name.
  • licensed_to_email
    (String) Exact search for licensed to email.
  • order_number
    (String) Exact search for order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Exact search for purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Exact search for purchase cost.
  • expiration_date
    (String) Exact search for expiration date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • termination_date
    (String) Exact search for termination date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • minimum_seats
    (Integer) Exact search for minimum seats.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Exact search for category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Exact search for manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Exact search for supplier id.
  • depreciation_id
    (Integer) Exact search for depreciation id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Exact search for department id.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
  • employee_email
    (String) Exact search for all licenses checked out to an employee via email.
Returns a specific license

GET '/licenses/:id' - Returns a specific license.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the license.
Create a license

POST '/licenses' - Create a license.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • licensed_to_name
    (String) Licensed to name.
  • licensed_to_email
    (String) Licensed to email.
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase cost.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency. Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • expiration_date
    (String) Expiration date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • termination_date
    (String) Termination date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • number_of_seats
    (Integer) Number of seats.
  • minimum_seats
    (Integer) Minimum seats.
  • category_id
    (Integer, required) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • depreciation_id
    (Integer) Depreciation id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Update a license

PUT '/licenses/:id' - Update a license.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the license.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • licensed_to_name
    (String) Licensed to name.
  • licensed_to_email
    (String) Licensed to email.
  • order_number
    (String) Order number.
  • purchase_date
    (String) Purchase date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • purchase_cost
    (Integer) Purchase cost.
  • currency
    (String) The currency of the purchase price. Only needed if it's different from the default account currency. Accepts all ISO 4217 three-letter country codes.
  • expiration_date
    (String) Expiration date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • termination_date
    (String) Termination date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • number_of_seats
    (Integer) Number of seats. Only works for Dynamic licenses.
  • minimum_seats
    (Integer) Minimum seats.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • depreciation_id
    (Integer) Depreciation id.
  • department_id
    (Integer) Department id.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Delete a license

DELETE '/licenses/:id' - Delete a license.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the license.
Returns all locations

GET '/locations' - Returns all locations.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, address_line_1, address_line_2, city, zip, state, country }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • address_line_1
    (String) Exact search for address line 1.
  • address_line_2
    (String) Exact search for address line 2.
  • city
    (String) Exact search for city.
  • zip
    (String) Exact search for zip.
  • state
    (String) Exact search for state.
  • country
    (String) Exact search for country.
  • email
    (String) Exact search for email.
  • phone
    (String) Exact search for phone.
  • currency
    (String) Exact search for currency.
Returns a specific location

GET '/locations/:id' - Returns a specific location.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the location.
Create a location

POST '/locations' - Create a location.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • address_line_1
    (String) Address line 1.
  • address_line_2
    (String) Address line 2.
  • city
    (String) City.
  • zip
    (String) Zip.
  • state
    (String) State.
  • country
    (String) Country.
  • email
    (String) Email.
  • phone
    (String) Phone.
  • currency
    (String) Currency (ISO 4217 Code).
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Update a location

PUT '/locations/:id' - Update a location.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the location.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • address_line_1
    (String) Address line 1.
  • address_line_2
    (String) Address line 2.
  • city
    (String) City.
  • zip
    (String) Zip.
  • state
    (String) State.
  • country
    (String) Country.
  • email
    (String) Email.
  • phone
    (String) Phone.
  • currency
    (String) Currency (ISO 4217 Code).
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Delete a location

DELETE '/locations/:id' - Delete a location.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the location.
Returns all maintenances

GET '/maintenances' - Returns all maintenances.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, type, name, start_date, end_date, cost, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • type
    (String) Exact search for type. Options: { maintenance, repair, upgrade, test, calibration, hardware support, software support }
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • start_date
    (String) Exact search start date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • end_date
    (String) Exact search for end date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • cost
    (Integer) Exact search for cost.
  • asset_id
    (String) Exact search for asset id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Exact search for supplier id.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
Returns a specific maintenance

GET '/maintenances/:id' - Returns a specific maintenance.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the maintenance.
Create a maintenance

POST '/maintenances' - Create a maintenance.


  • type
    (String, required) Type. Options: { maintenance, repair, upgrade, test, calibration, hardware support, software support }
  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • start_date
    (String, required) Start date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • end_date
    (String) End date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • cost
    (Integer) Cost.
  • asset_id
    (String, required) Asset id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Update a maintenance

PUT '/maintenances/:id' - Update a maintenance.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the location.
  • type
    (String) Type. Options: { maintenance, repair, upgrade, test, calibration, hardware_support, software_support }
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • start_date
    (String) Start date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • end_date
    (String) End date. Format: '2022-12-01'
  • cost
    (Integer) Cost.
  • asset_id
    (String) Asset id.
  • supplier_id
    (Integer) Supplier id.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Delete a maintenance

DELETE '/maintenances/:id' - Delete a maintenance.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the maintenance.
Returns all manufacturers

GET '/manufacturers' - Returns all manufacturers.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, url, support_url, support_phone, support_email, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • url
    (String) Exact search for url.
  • support_url
    (String) Exact search for support url.
  • support_phone
    (String) Exact search for support phone.
  • support_email
    (String) Exact search for support email.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
Returns a specific manufacturer

GET '/manufacturers/:id' - Returns a specific manufacturer.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the manufacturer.
Create a manufacturer

POST '/manufacturers' - Create a manufacturer.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • url
    (String) Url.
  • support_url
    (String) Support url.
  • support_phone
    (String) Support phone.
  • support_email
    (String) Support email.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Update a manufacturer

PUT '/manufacturers/:id' - Update a manufacturer.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the location.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • url
    (String) Url.
  • support_url
    (String) Support url.
  • support_phone
    (String) Support phone.
  • support_email
    (String) Support email.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Delete a manufacturer

DELETE '/manufacturers/:id' - Delete a manufacturer.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the manufacturer.
Returns all products

GET '/products' - Returns all products.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: created_at, updated_at, name, model_number, eol, notes
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: asc, desc
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • model_number
    (String) Exact search for model number.
  • end_of_life_date
    (String) Exact search for end of life date. Format: '2022-12-01'.
  • end_of_life_type
    (String) Exact search for end of life type. Options: Fixed Date, Months from Asset Purchase Date, Months from Asset Warranty Expiration Date, Individual Per Asset
  • end_of_life_months
    (Integer) Exact search for end of life number of months.
  • default_purchase_cost
    (Integer) Exact search for default purchase cost.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Exact search for category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Exact search for manufacturer id.
  • depreciation_id
    (Integer) Exact search for depreciation id.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
  • archived
    (Boolean) Exact search for archived.
Returns a specific product

GET '/products/:id' - Returns a specific product.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the product.
Create a product

POST '/products' - Create a product.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • model_number
    (String) Model number.
  • end_of_life_type
    (String) The end of life type. Default value is Fixed Date. Options: Fixed Date, Months from Asset Purchase Date, Months from Asset Warranty Expiration Date, Individual Per Asset.
  • end_of_life_date
    (String) End of life date (if end_of_life_type is Fixed Date). Format: '2022-12-01'.
  • end_of_life_months
    (Integer) Number of months from asset purchase date to end of life. (if end_of_life_type is Months from Asset Purchase Date or Months from Asset Warranty Expiration Date).
  • default_purchase_cost
    (Integer) Default purchase cost.
  • category_id
    (Integer, required) Category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • depreciation_id
    (Integer) Depreciation id.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) The minimum amount of assets using this product that should be in a deployable state before an alert is triggered.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • archived
    (Boolean) Archived.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Update a product

PUT '/products/:id' - Update a product.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the product.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • model_number
    (String) Model number.
  • end_of_life_type
    (String) The end of life type. Default value is Fixed Date. Options: Fixed Date, Months from Asset Purchase Date, Months from Asset Warranty Expiration Date, Individual Per Asset.
  • end_of_life_date
    (String) End of life date (if end_of_life_type is Fixed Date). Format: '2022-12-01'.
  • end_of_life_months
    (Integer) Number of months from asset purchase date to end of life. (if end_of_life_type is Months from Asset Purchase Date or Months from Asset Warranty Expiration Date).
  • default_purchase_cost
    (Integer) Default purchase cost.
  • category_id
    (Integer) Exact search for category id.
  • manufacturer_id
    (Integer) Manufacturer id.
  • depreciation_id
    (Integer) Depreciation id.
  • minimum_quantity
    (Integer) The minimum amount of assets using this product that should be in a deployable state before an alert is triggered.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
  • archived
    (Boolean) Archived.
  • custom_fields
    (String) [{"name": "custom_field_name", "value": "custom_field_value"}, ....]
Delete a product

DELETE '/products/:id' - Delete a product.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the product.
Returns all statuses

GET '/statuses' - Returns all statuses.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, type, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • type
    (String) Exact search for type. Options: { deployable, pending, undeployable, archived }
  • show_in_nav
    (Boolean) Exact search for if status is visible in the navigation bar.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
Returns a specific status

GET '/statuses/:id' - Returns a specific status.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the status.
Create a status

POST '/statuses' - Create a status.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • type
    (String, required) Type. Options: { deployable, pending, undeployable, archived }
  • show_in_nav
    (Boolean) If status is visible in the navigation bar.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Update a status

PUT '/statuses/:id' - Update a status.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the product.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • type
    (String) Type. Options: { deployable, pending, undeployable, archived }
  • show_in_nav
    (Boolean) If status is visible in the navigation bar.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Delete a status.

DELETE '/statuses/:id' - Delete a status.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the status.
Returns all suppliers

GET '/suppliers' - Returns all suppliers.


  • limit
    (Integer) Max number of entries to return. Default value is 50.
  • sort
    (String) Which column to sort the results by. Default value is name. Options: { created_at, updated_at, name, address_line_1, address_line_2, city, zip, state, country, contact_name, phone, fax, email, url, notes }
  • order
    (String) Order to sort the results by. Default value is asc. Options: { asc, desc }
  • offset
    (Integer) Offset results by a number. Default value is 0.
  • name
    (String) Exact search for name.
  • address_line_1
    (String) Exact search for address line 1.
  • address_line_2
    (String) Exact search for address line 2.
  • city
    (String) Exact search for city.
  • zip
    (String) Exact search for zip.
  • state
    (String) Exact search for state.
  • country
    (String) Exact search for country.
  • contact_name
    (String) Exact search for contact name.
  • phone
    (String) Exact search for phone.
  • fax
    (String) Exact search for fax.
  • email
    (String) Exact search for email.
  • url
    (String) Exact search for url.
  • notes
    (String) Exact search for notes.
Returns a specific supplier

GET '/suppliers/:id' - Returns a specific supplier.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the supplier.
Create a supplier

POST '/suppliers' - Create a supplier.


  • name
    (String, required) Name.
  • address_line_1
    (String) Address line 1.
  • address_line_2
    (String) Address line 2.
  • city
    (String) City.
  • zip
    (String) Zip.
  • state
    (String) State.
  • country
    (String) Country.
  • contact_name
    (String) Contact name.
  • phone
    (String) Phone.
  • fax
    (String) Fax.
  • email
    (String) Email.
  • url
    (String) Url.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Update a supplier

PUT '/suppliers/:id' - Update a supplier.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the supplier.
  • name
    (String) Name.
  • address_line_1
    (String) Address line 1.
  • address_line_2
    (String) Address line 2.
  • city
    (String) City.
  • zip
    (String) Zip.
  • state
    (String) State.
  • country
    (String) Country.
  • contact_name
    (String) Contact name.
  • phone
    (String) Phone.
  • fax
    (String) Fax.
  • email
    (String) Email.
  • url
    (String) Url.
  • logo
    (String) External URL to logo.
  • notes
    (String) Notes.
Delete a supplier

DELETE '/suppliers/:id' - Delete a supplier.


  • id
    (Integer, required) The ID of the supplier.
Returns all tenants (for multi-tenant users)

GET '/tenants' - Returns all tenants.


No parameters